After a discussion about how to start the day, Jeff heads up the rear scaffold tower.
Climbing up the inside first, before swinging around to the outside on the upper section.
With the ridge pole pinned only to the north RPSL, we'll be able to pick up the south end while we work on the inner RPSLs. Jeff checks out how things look from the south end looking north.
Bob lifts the south end of the ridge pole while Jeff pushes it westward to center it on the rear RPSL.
Every job needs a good "ground man". Here, Steve sends the two framing squares up to Jeff.
Next, the torpedo level goes up.
Pulling up the torpedo level.
After breaking for lunch and seeing Steve off (and Jeff apparently putting on a different shirt), Bob and Jeff thought it best to work on the inner RPSL closest to the pinned end. Here, Jeff uses the framing squares and level to get an accurate measurement from the top of the ridge pole down to the reference string line.
Cutting off the majority of the excess few inches left from Paul and Jeff's work a few days ago.
We don't want to take off too much. Better to keep shaving off a little bit at a time.
In planing off the top of the RPSL to get it level, Jeff took off a little too much. A piece of laminate filled the gap perfectly.
A couple of roofing nails will hold the shim in place in case we get a stiff breeze when we have to lift the ridge pole again to work on the other inner RPSL.
Now to move to the other tower and cut the other RPSL down a couple of inches.
Using a square and the level, Jeff transfers the reference mark around the pole.
This will give him a better guide to follow with the saw.
Taking off a small section of the RPSL top.


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